By Elizabeth Jewell It was a small but fascinating group in Mebane yesterday–here we are: Elizabeth Jewell, with Pamela Hale (if I’m reading her handwriting correctly?) next to me, and Connie Eble across from me, with Carolyn Brown next to her. We talked about Eudora Welty and linguistics and the 200th anniversary of passenger railroads. And Jane Austen! One area…
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Individualized Speech Patterns in Austen’s Novels
By Bill Gaither On April 24, 2024, members gathered via Zoom to hear an expanded version of Sue Scott’s insightful and entertaining talk, “Is My Idiolect Showing? Individualized Speech Patterns in Austen’s Novels,” which Sue originally delivered at the 2023 JASNA Annual General Meeting (AGM). This talk discusses the distinctive speech patterns, or idiolects, that Jane Austen created for her…
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Mastectomy in the Age of Austen: Frances Burney’s ‘miserable account’ with Heather Meek
By Laine Wood The North Carolina region of JASNA welcomed several guests to the March 2024 meeting featuring a presentation from Professor Heather Meek. The meeting’s focus was on the epistolary account of author Frances Burney’s mastectomy in 1811. Meek’s scholarly niche is literary and medical cultures of the long 18th century, specifically the study of women’s health in the…
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Discussing Arabella’s Adventures and Foibles in Charlotte Lennox’s The Female Quixote
By Elizabeth Jewell Regional Coordinator Sara Tavela was the moderator for our meeting and said in an email following the meeting, “We had a rousing discussion of Austen contemporary Charlotte Lennox’s The Female Quixote [1752], and it was so wonderful to talk with you about this novel that can pose two very different reading experiences (either you find it hilarious…
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Interview with Tara Raczenksi, Creator of Pride & Prejudice: A New Musical Comedy
We at JASNA-NC are thrilled for our member, Tara Raczenski, who recently premiered a staging of her new show, Pride & Prejudice: A New Musical Comedy (and some of us were lucky enough to attend the show in Greensboro!). Tara was kind enough to take some time to answer our questions about her, the process of creating the show, and…
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