By Nancy Young The day Mr. Darcy attended the quarterly meeting of the Jane Austen Society, no one expected anything out of the ordinary. Members gathered in the library’s conference room much as usual, filling out nametags and picking over the assortment of brochures. But all the chatter stopped the moment Darcy’s imposing presence filled the doorway to 202A. He…
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Huzzah for Jane Austen BINGO!
Do you know who Pen Harrington is in Pride and Prejudice? How about Miss Smith—the one in Northanger Abbey? Or Lady Mary Grierson in Persuasion? The Game On January 24, thirty members of the North Carolina region gathered on Zoom for six rounds of Jane Austen BINGO, one for each book. Lisa Brown, regional coordinator of Central and Western New…
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Welcome to the new JASNA-NC website!
JASNA-North Carolina has a new website! We’re starting simple–as a repository for events and information and a way for new folks to find us. We’ll adjust and grow over time as is needed. As a part of building the website, we’re playing with new branding. The new logo has the region’s name–JASNA North Carolina–along with a dogwood flower, which is…
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