By Elizabeth Jewell The JASNA meeting for the holidays and, especially, Jane’s birthday celebration was a hybrid online/in person meeting, with the members who could gather in person braving the rain and meeting at Gisele’s lovely home in Cary (fully and delightfully decorated for the holidays). Much delicious food was in evidence (scones with jam and whipped cream, anyone?). The…
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AGM Reflections
By Linda Darden JASNA NC region members who attended the Annual General Meeting shared and compared their experiences in the November 12 meeting. First time attendees, virtual attendees and others who participated on location in Denver, Colorado provided a summary of highlights and perspectives. Judy opened the presentation with a description of the virtual AGM option. This option emerged with the…
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A Lively Discussion of Claudia Gray’s The Murder of Mr. Wickham
By Elizabeth Jewell The JASNA meeting of October 15, 2023, began with breakout rooms in which we discussed the questions “Did you figure out who the killer was before the end of the book?” and “Which was your favorite part of the book?” The group then came back together to discuss The Murder of Mr. Wickham, by Claudia Gray, in a…
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Book Review: A Life of Her Own by Wendy Zomparelli
By Dan Read When I took this book out of its package, my wife looked at the title and said, “Another Jane Austen sequel!?” (to her credit she did not roll her eyes). I admit it, I’m a sucker for these books. And, this one was a lot of fun to read. It is not as meticulously crafted and carefully…
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The Shades of Bridgerton: A Conversation on Colorism in the Regency with Damianne Scott
By Laine A. Wood The September meeting for JASNA North Carolina proved to be an interesting one. The event was advertised on the main Jane Austen Society of North America Facebook page and quickly picked up traction and attention resulting in record attendance at the meeting on Sunday, as well as some thoughtful conversation. Damianne Scott, or Dami as she…
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